* In Praise of the Moon


In Praise of the Moon


28 pages



English & Chinese & Sanskrit

Written, translated, edited and designed by Han Mengyun

Printed and bound in Shanghai, China

The poetry anthology is supported by ShanghART Gallery in conjunction with the exhibition:

Han Mengyun: The Unending Rose


ShanghART Shanghai

* Night



Zine, 24 pages, 10.5 x 29.7 cm

Paperback, English/Chinese

ISBN 134-18362728-129-2

Artist Han Mengyun

Text Han Mengyun

Published by IS A GALLERY

Editor in chief Zhongkai Li

Designer Naiqian Wang

Cover Support Zhengzhong Pan

Printed and bound in Shanghai, China

The publication was made in conjunction with the exhibition

Han Mengyun: Night, 2022

Supported by IS A GALLERY, Shanghai

For more information, including inquiries about participation,

please contact the publisher at: isagallery20@gmail.com

Copies of Night can be purchased at Bananafish and Jiazazhi

Conversation between graphic designers MAC and Pan from IS A Gallery and the artist Han Mengyun can be found here.